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May 26, 2024

"Bar Yochai" (בַּר יוֹחַאי) is a kabbalistic piyyut that praises the spiritual achievements of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, the holy author of the kabbalistic masterpiece, the Zohar.

'"Bar Yochai'" (בַּר יוֹחַאי) is a profound kabbalistic piyyut that illuminates the spiritual achievements of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, the revered author of the kabbalistic masterpiece, the Zohar. 

Crafted in the 16th century by Rabbi Shimon Lavi, a distinguished Sephardi Hakham and Kabbalist from Tripoli, Libya, this distinguished hymn is the most prevalent kabbalistic chant sung by Jewish communities worldwide. Celebrated by Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews on Lag BaOmer, the memorial day of bar Yochai, it is also chanted during synagogue services and the Shabbas evening repast. 

Rich with references from the Tanakh, rabbinical discourses, and the Zohar, the hymn showcases the erudition of its creator in Torah and kabbalah. 

'"Bar Yochai'" stands as a prominent kabbalistic piyyut, embraced by Jewish congregations worldwide. Its journey from Tripoli to Safed, Israel, is a fascinating tale steeped in mystery. In Safed, it was adopted by the followers of the Arizal, who integrated it into their Kabbalas Shabbas. Subsequently, the Arizal's disciples and Rabbi Moshe Cordovero spread it to Jewish communities worldwide, marking its global significance. 

First recorded in the early 17th century, it was published in the sefer Imrei Binah in Prague in 1611 and the sefer Tikkunei Shabbas in Kraków the following year. Comprising ten stanzas, each commencing with "Bar Yochai," the verses symbolize Rabi Shimon bar Yochai's mastery of the Ten Sephiros, culminating in his transcendence to the ultimate level. 

The initial letters of the first nine stanzas spell the Hebrew name of the lyricist Rav Shimon Lavi. Following each stanza is a poignant refrain, weaving together insights from the Tanakh, rabbinic wisdom, and the Zohar, illustrating Lavi's profound grasp of sacred and kabbalistic texts. 

Some renditions include an eleventh stanza alluding to the Moshiach. In Meron, a town in northern Israel housing the tomb of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai, the hymn resonates continuously during the grand celebrations on Lag BaOmer. Notably, the Ashkenazi melody for the hymn exhibits subtle deviations from the Sephardi rendition.

Rabbi Shimon Lavia left Spain as a child during the expulsion in 1492. His family settled in North Africa, where he grew up as a renowned scholar and Kabbalist. He set out for Israel in 1549, but when he stopped in Tripoli along the way and saw the ignorance and lack of Torah observance among the Jews who lived there, he decided to remain to teach, which he did with great success. Today, he is best known as the composer of the famous Bar Yochai hymn sung on Lag B'Omer and by many Jews on Shabbas.

The song:

Bar Yochai - fortunate are you, anointed with joyous oil [i.e., wisdom], over and above your companions.

Bar Yochai…You were anointed with the holy oil that flows down from the transcendent [source of mercy]. [Like the High Priest], you wore a holy crown that set you aside from other men, an aura of splendor bound eternally upon your head. (Refrain)

Bar Yochai…It was a comely dwelling that you found on the day you ran away and escaped from the Romans. [For thirteen years], you stood in the sand of the rocky cave - there, you merited to your crown of splendor and radiance. (Refrain)

Secrets of the Torah whose fragrances are sweeter than blossoms and flowers….
Bar Yochai…Your students are like the [strong and beautiful] beams of acacia wood [used to hold up the Tabernacle]. When they learn G‑d's Torah, they become ignited with the wondrous burning light [of its secrets]. Behold, your teachers [Moses and Elijah] revealed these secrets to you. (Refrain)

Bar Yochai…[While still alive], you ascended to the Field of Apples [Garden of Eden] to gather remedies [for the souls of your people]. Secrets of the Torah whose fragrances are sweeter than blossoms and flowers. For you alone, the entire Creation of Man was worthwhile. (Refrain)

Bar Yochai…You girded yourself with strength and attained total self-mastery to fight the battle of the Torah of [black fire on white] fire in the gates [where the judges sat]. You unsheathed its sword and brandished it against the enemies [of your people]. (Refrain)

Bar Yochai...You ascended to a palace of pure, light marble stones. Even there, you [hardened your face like the lion and] stood unmoved before the constellation of Leo. Crowned in glory, you ascended beyond the Great Bear [to perceive wonders that no mortal ever grasped]. You saw, but who could see you?! (Refrain)

Bar Yochai …When you reached the Holy of Holies [of the Supernal Tabernacle, you grasped the secret of] the Green Line (the thread of measured light through which G‑d created the world and) through which He continually renews the works of Creation daily. [The works of Creation are known as] the Seven Weeks (Forty-Nine Gates of Understanding). To go beyond this and grasp the secret of Fifty, you bound [your thought to] the letter shin [on both sides of the Head-Tefilin]. (Refrain)

Bar Yochai…You perceived the inner radiance of the letter yud, the ineffable wisdom of the Torah that preceded Creation. [You mastered] the Thirty-Two Paths [that flow from the yud, the essence of the Torah, which is called] the "First Teruma." Then, like the Cherubim [on high], you were anointed with the splendor of [G‑d's] radiant light. (Refrain)

Bar Yochai…When you reached the highest level of the mysterious hidden light, you feared to gaze due to the enormity of its radiance. It [is the most secret level of G‑d's Will and Purpose which] is called No-thing, concerning which [G‑d] said, "No man can see Me [and remain physically alive]." (Refrain)

Bar Yochai…Fortunate is the mother who bore you; fortunate is the nation that imbibes your teachings! And blessed are those who grasp the secrets [you revealed]! They don the Breastplate of your perfections and lights. (Refrain)