April 10, 2024

From the first of Nissan to the 13th of Nissan, it is customary to read about the Nasi of each day.

From the first of Nissan to the 13th of Nissan, it is customary to read about the Nasi of each day. 

This tradition originates from the time after the inauguration of the Tabernacle, where a different Nasi of a tribe presented a sacrifice each day at the Temple altar.

 To honor this practice, we read about the Nasi daily, corresponding to the 12 offerings of the Nesi’im, as detailed in Parshas Naso.

On the first day of Nissan, reading commences from “Veyihi Biyom Kalos Moshe,” and on the 13th day, from “Zos Chanukas Hamizbeiach.”

 Following the reading of each day’s Nasi, the Yehi Ratzon prayer is recited.

Although it is not customary to read the portion of the Nesi’im from the Torah scroll, some individuals do so.

 Reading the Nesi’im is often suggested to be done after Davening.