July 25, 2024

Notes and Questions on Parshas Pinchas

Why is there a small yud in Parshas Pinchas?

Harass the Midianites. That's interesting. Why?

What with the sidebar for Korach, Dasan, and Aviram?

Can you name the daughters of Tzelofchad?

What with the large nun at the end of the story of Bnos Tzelafchad?

Laws of inheritance: Who takes precedence? What kinyan is used?

Why does Hashem make Moshe gaze at the Promised Land that he will never enter into?

What was Moshe doing by resting his hands upon Yehoshua's head?

Ka'aleh is mentioned in our Parsha. I love the trop.


This week, for the Weekly Parsha Podcast, let's elaborate and clarify what attribute Yehohsua had that made him worthy to become the leader of the Jewish people.