Pharaoh released the Israelites, and God guided them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Pharaoh chased them near the sea. The Israelites cried out to God while Moshe reassured them. Moshe split the sea upon God's instruction, and the Israelites crossed on dry ground. The pursuing Egyptians drowned. The Israelites praised God and sang out in song for this miracle. After three days in the wilderness, they found no water until God made bitter water sweet. On their journey, they grumbled against Moshe and Aaron multiple times before God provided quail and manna. However, some disregarded Moses' instructions and faced negative consequences. On Erev Shabbos, they gathered double the food. Moses instructed them to set aside the excess until morning, which did not spoil on the Sabbath. Manna was kept as a memorial. When they reached Rephidim, there was no water. God commanded Moshe to strike a rock, bringing forth water. Amalek attacked Israel at Rephidim. Moshe raised his hands atop a hill, supported by Aaron and Chur, while Yehoshua overpowered Amalek in battle below.