Step into the world of an extraordinary Torah luminary, Rav Ruderman. We embark on the journey of this revered Rosh Hashiva, tracing his roots from a Chabad Chasidish home to becoming the founder of the Nair Yeshiva of Baltimore. Rav Ruderman used his exceptional negotiating skills to transform a Baltimore synagogue into a renowned Torah institution, starting with only six students.
This episode has a heartwarming story: Rav Ruderman made a controversial decision during a student's engagement. Despite the broken alliance, his intentions were driven by profound wisdom and an unwavering commitment to his students' welfare. His unconventional approach reflects his profound understanding, ability to navigate complex situations, and deep love for his students. So, join us as we honor the legacy of Rav Ruderman and deeply explore his life's wisdom and profound love for his students.
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