Aug. 13, 2023

Rav Shlomo Hoffman & Rav Yechezkel Sarna

Brace yourself for an enlightening encounter that unravels the true essence of Chua, challenging common misconceptions about sin and repentance. Let's align ourselves on the path of growth and introspection, harnessing the potent energies of the month of Elul and redefining our perspective on spiritual progress and personal development.

Listen as we transport you back to 1938 and recount the pivotal conversation between Hoffman and Rabbi Yechezkal Sarna, a dialogue that provides deep insights into the principles of Elul. Uncover the wisdom of Rebenu Yonah's less stringent approach to repentance, offering a refreshing perspective on spiritual growth. Embark on a metaphorical journey on the highways of life, navigating towards self-improvement and introspection. This discussion promises to inspire you to reevaluate your spiritual journey and prepare for a meaningful Elul and Yom Kippur. Let's move past the old ways and usher in a fresh outlook, fully maximizing the powerful energies of the forthcoming Elul.

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