July 2, 2023

A Discussion with Rabbi Glatstein on Time, Torah & ChatGPT

In this episode Rabbi Glatstein, our esteemed guest, shares his wisdom, exploring how modern-day technology, though rife with potential pitfalls, can be repurposed as a powerful vessel for spreading Torah teachings.

Rabbi Glatstein navigates us through the subtleties of personal growth, time management, and balancing individual learning with teaching in this enlightening discourse. Drawing from the wisdom of Chasam Sofer, Chidah, Rav Avigdor Miller, and Rav Moshe Feinstein, he offers a new perspective on these complex topics. And what about Artificial Intelligence? Is it a blessing or a curse? Rabbi Glatstein invites us to ponder the Jewish viewpoint on this contemporary dilemma, advocating for a cautious yet optimistic approach as we contemplate its role in Torah education.

We explore how Torah learning goes deeper than external knowledge. Rabbi Glatstein emphasizes the crucial link between knowledge and emotion and underscores the importance of nurturing a visceral connection to the knowledge we acquire. The role of a Torah mentor is pivotal in facilitating this intimate connection and making the Torah resonate within our hearts and souls.

Episode Sponsors:
Yaakov Fleisher of Luxury Class Tours

Shaya Preis - Lakewood's Insurance Specialist

The Darkness and the Dawn
The Anguish of the Galus and the Glory of Jewish Eternity

By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
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00:01 - Technology for Torah Education

08:46 - Dissemination of Torah Through Technology

23:22 - Travel and Historical Knowledge in Torah

35:15 - Importance of Lomdus and Time Management

40:13 - Balancing Personal Learning and Teaching

48:24 - The Jewish Approach to Artificial Intelligence

01:02:42 - Bridging Knowledge and Emotion

01:11:28 - The Importance of a Torah Mentor

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein


Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein (רב דניאל יעקב גלאטשטיין שליט״א) is an American Orthodox Rov, public speaker, author, prolific researcher, pulpit rabbi and teacher with a global following and one of the most popular English speaking Torah teachers in the contemporary Jewish landscape. The Rov was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and now resides in the Five Towns (Cedarhurst, NY) with his wife, children, and family, where he furthers his research, writing, and teachings to the masses worldwide via the internet, his local community, and Kahal Kadosh.

The Rov’s shiurim are prominently featured on TorahAnytime.com, the OU website (Orthodox Union), Kol B’rama Radio, Shas Illuminated, Hidabroot, Chazaq, BJX (Brooklyn Jewish Experience), Jroot Radio, Torah Downloads, Kol Haloshon, WhatsApp, YouTube, and Podcast format.

The Rav has been invited by Yeshivos, synagogues, shuls, organizations, private homes, and institutions worldwide from Eretz Yisrael, Australia, South Africa, Gibraltar, London, the United Kingdom, and across the United States. He has also led several of the Jewish Heritage tours across the globe, from Italy to Spain, Morocco, Poland, Bratislava, Germany, and Ukraine, imparting the Torah and lessons of Jewish history alongside visiting many of the Kivrei Tzadikim he quotes in his teachings.

Rabbi Glatstein offers a unique combination of Talmudic scholarship garnered from many years of rigorous study at the Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Kew Garden Hills, NY), values of mussar o… Read More