June 26, 2022

Affected By Your Surroundings.

We have a spiritual net around us. Listen to this fascinating insight form Rabbeinu Yonah.

  • Can you prevent yourself from being affected by your surrounding?
  • Are you responsible for your close proximity or even more?

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You are affected by your surroundings, period. End of story. It's a clear Rambam. It's a metzias. You could fight it, you could try and we have a we have a job to try to not become affected by our surroundings. But it's the way the world works it's metzias; it's teva, its nature. People are affected by their surroundings. Listen to bad news, listen to sad things, you hang around with sad people, nebuch this is what happens then you become sad. Your surroundings affect you on a deep, deep level. Rabbenu Yona tells us in Pirkei Avos, "Harchek Mishachen Ra", distance from an evil neighbor. That's because he says we have some sort of spiritual net around us; things cling to us. And when you hang around bad people, their sins actually stick on to you like glue. They actually show up on our cheshbon, they show up on our accounting. They show up on our account after we die. Get away from them he says. You know, no one likes to say that there's good, there's bad, or there's even bad people. No one's completely bad. But if something's having a negative effect on you, you got to stand up for yourself and you got to distance yourself. You know, "Rebbi it won't affect me",  "Oh, I'll take my glasses off when I go to the beach". Things affect us. It's the way the world works. You know, news has a big amount or probably a big part of it. The news, anything that makes the news my dad told me this is because what's news it's things that are interesting to us something that is news. No one would ever say "Oh yeah, 10,000 planes landed safely today." You wouldn't watch that. But maybe we should start a news broadcast like that. Everything that shows up is just "Oh, this happened this terrible earthquake. 1000 people died in India today, a plane crash G-d forbid." How many planes landed safely? It's so important since we're affected by our surroundings, to be surrounded by things that are actually positive.