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In the past they used to see miracles.
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They used to fast and cry and scream and incredible things would happen.
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But this time they cry out for a salvation.
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Nothing happens.
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Nobody hears us, the less the mishkach bun, as the Gemarim Brecho says.
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Nobody notices us.
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And why not?
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That is the question that Rav Papa Askabaye why don't we see miracles?
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Why don't incredible things happen, something interesting, something cool?
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Instead, we stay stuck in our problems, still hoping that one day we'll see a miraculous salvation.
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And the Gemara answers Abayi tells her of Papa.
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It's simple the Rishonim.
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How it used to be the previous generations.
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They were Moisar Nefesh for Afoidas Hashem.
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They laid it all on the line for God.
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They, moser Nefesh, gave up of their soul for Hashem and they saw miracles.
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That was the secret sauce.
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Rebbe Yehuda merely took off his shoe and rain began to fall Because the Roshonim were Moser Nefesh.
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Rebbe Yehuda merely took off his shoe and rain began to fall because there were shown him where most are nephesh, mesirah's nephesh, dealing with God in a way that you lay it all on the line and you dive horizontally three yards forward to make the catch.
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That type of avoidance, hashem, that giving up of yourself, takes you up into extraordinary territory, the Bach says the great Rebbe Yohel's circus.
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In chapter Tafresh Ayin Aleph of the laws of Hanukkah.
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You gotta highlight it that.
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Why did the Gezerah happen during Hanukkah?
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They neglected the service of Hashem.
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They left their mincha and their marav to fall to after the importance of their business.
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They put off their night sater because of a sports game.
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They neglected it.
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They treated it with absent-mindedness, in a total lackadaisical and melancholic type of way.
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Lackadaisical and melancholic type of way Mesir HaSnevesh.
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When you do all that you can and give up of yourself for Hashem, like grab you and the twelve angry men, the Maccabees, and go out and fight against an army of a million, that type of Mesir HaSnevesh, that type of laying it on the line for Hashem like they used to do it, like in the good old days, that type of mesiras nefesh, that type of laying it on the line for Hashem like they used to do it like in the good old days.
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Then the miracle na'asa anes, gamkein, b'neiros, tachas, asher, ha'eviru, nafsham.
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They were ma'aser nefesh, lomos ha'okiyam ha'avodah.
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They spent everything that they had on God.
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When you do that, miracles happen.
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Hanukkah reminds us don't just take the easy way, don't use your hands to catch the ball.
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Sometimes you've got to dive all the way out there, lay it all on the line for Hashem in the most dedicated type of way, like the makabim, the Maccabees, and that is the way that you see miracles.