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Unless you're well acquainted with the writings of Titus Flavius, josephus' works.
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Well then it may shock you to hear just how one-sided this Maccabean revolt really was.
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The story of Hanukkah sometimes gets told as a children's story, an old folk tale.
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The truth is that the Maccabees were an army of no more than twelve and the Greeks with all of their arsenals artillery, elephants, armor, muscles, biceps, six packs.
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They had more than ten million citizens and the Greek population larger than the size of the entire population of the city of Manhattan right now, up against a little Kola family.
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They barely fit inside of that white van, but they all go in one car the Maccabees a dad, a couple sons and maybe some others.
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And oh, just how one-sided the war was that the Jewish people, this rabbinic family, invoked their will against this army with magical and sacred strength.
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How Kha'zish Baruch who literally carrying them to victory, the Madrashim tell the stories.
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How they moved at super speed, like the lightness and swiftness of an eagle, a deer, with the strength of a lion, of a jaguar, of a leopard, slaughtering Greek after Greek.
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Because while the Greeks had so many reasons to win the war it'd be more than ten million the Jewish people had the only one that counted.
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It was these twelve people that came together, after some had been hisrashlubavodalakadaisical in their service, and said this is what needs to be done.
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So me, lahashem e lai, it doesn't matter at what cost.
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They were mosernephish, they gave up of themselves for Hashem, and so Hashem was on their side.
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When Hashem's on your side, you cannot lose.
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Let the story be real to us this year and that when we do get squished into a corner, forced into places that it's now impossible to do, hashem's will.
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Don't be afraid to stand up for the omnipresent, don't be afraid to stand up for what is right, Because when you do that, often you have Hashem on your side, if not always, you have Hashem on your side and miraculous things begin to happen.