July 19, 2022

Double Down On HOPE (Bitachon)

Hope is a dangerous thing. Its's also the greatest thing. "Kavei El Hashem" Hope is the most powerful tool we have. Go all in and trust in Hashem, then  witness your salvation.

  • Hope can be painful
  • Listen to hear why pain is so important

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Hope is a dangerous thing. Just ask anybody, male or female, who's been in shidduchim for a longer time than they expected, and they'll explain to you that when an idea comes up and you get excited and expectations are not met due to some nonsensical and seemingly, completely unimportant reason that a date does not come to fruition hope hurts. It's even torturous, especially in the world of health. I have a distant relative that has somewhat of a chronic illness and every single time that something comes up perhaps there's a cure, perhaps we can do this new procedure to fix it, and there's hope and then when it comes crashing down, it's brutal. These situations, these optics are torturous, they really are. However, hope is all that we have. Hope is why we get out of bed in the morning. Hope, just hope alone heals. Hope is that little tingle in your belly that makes you excited about something. Now remember these words from the great Bais HaLevi, the founder of the brisker dynasty. The Passuk states "Kavei el Hashem Chazak V'ametz Libecha V'kavei el Hashem." What are those last words doing there? You already told me Kavei el Hashem. Vus meint V'kavei el Hashem that extra, superfluous line at the end? The answer he says, the reward for hope is more hope. The reward for a Kavei. The reward for Emunah is a Emunah. There is nothing greater than hope. Hope is our greatest asset. Animals cannot hope. And while hope is a dangerous tool, it's the defining human emotion. It's vital. Double down on your Emunah. Double down on your hope, and in return, G-d should shower you with bracha and the salvation immediately.