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The most preeminent rabbinical figures have taught the Jewish people what it is that the month of Elul is all about, From the most bona fide Tamideh Chachamim of last generation all the way back to the times of the Mishnah and Gemara.
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They have authored books teaching Klaal Yisrael.
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What is a spiritual potency that lives behind the holy month of Elul which we are in now?
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Some have said that it is a time to do Chuvah, to repent with love.
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Perhaps it is Chuvah Mi'yirah, to repent because of fear.
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Others have told us that it is a time of will, of developing our razzon, our desire to come close to Hashem.
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Some Mashiachs have said that it is like summertime, in which the great storehouses of wisdom are open for us to take.
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And what is all of this, both cabalistically and practically speaking, mean to us?
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Answer it means nothing unless we actually do something about it.
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The Elul is a time for Chuvah, but more than just talk, more than just wishing, the almighty wishes that we actually put our car into drive, we kick it into gear, pedal to the metal and make some reformation, some correction in our own lives, Put the car into motion.
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And that's why we've heard of the tradition of making cabalos, certain commitments to become better, something small, just to show Hashem, to show yourself, to gain the confidence in the repentance because you are actually doing something.
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And Chuvah, it takes time and if you may imagine that you have no extra time in your day, just read something in a safer the two times that in the most practical way that you can add a bit of Chuvah, a bit of Torah study, a bit of some mitzvah doing to your schedule.
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If we can imagine that any person would come home from work or has put their children to bed at, let's say, 8 o'clock, let's push it off, let's be generous 9 o'clock and maybe the average person goes to bed at 11, perhaps earliest.
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So what it is, what do we do in all honesty, between the hours of 9 pm and 11 pm?
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Do we do some chazara on the evening news, perhaps scroll through our feeds, or maybe, just maybe we can cut 20 minutes out there to call your friend and learn about the laws of La Shinhara or to listen to some sheer and another often overlooked time in our day that is so pivotal, Perhaps the morning commute.
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Some drive just 5 minutes and others.
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Perhaps a workaholic could go more than 2 hours to the office in a daily commute?
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Why not turn on Rabbi Reisman's Nubi sheer and hear how the prophets rebuke is as practical in this generation as in any time in our history.
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Get involved in a Chobosalavavish sheer from Rabbi Waxman.
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There's such a slew a brevi of different topics that can inspire us and can help us to learn about ourselves and to learn about keeping Hashem's Torah that much better in the month of El.
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So find the time, whether it be late at night or whether it be in the morning, commute and kick it into gear, Put your car in motion and start the contrition and rectification reformation process.
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This is El.
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For this action Hashem truly desires.