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Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
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We are now cruising at about 10,000 feet, but it looks like there's going to be some turbulence coming up here soon, so why don't you go ahead and fasten those seatbelts?
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It's that time of the year, the time to fasten your seatbelts, because there's some turbulence ahead.
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We are officially in the Assyresi Mechuva.
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It's not your regular schedule, spending a lot of time not at the office, not where you are normally during your routine, but instead in the synagogues, saying slichos, standing on your feet a lot.
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And you are about to go through the whirlwind of emotions, the rollercoaster that is the Assyresi Mechuva.
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You will probably feel at times guilty, at times sad, at times elated, at times hopeful, at times hungry, thirsty, relieved.
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That's the point that we should be roused from our complacency and sinful slumber.
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Hopefully we internalize some of the messages and we are woken up by the Yaim Teruah Hissyri, Hissyri, when we heard the clarion call of the Milifluis Shifar, to understand that there's a king, but you can't make a phone call, you don't have service and you can't search for someone when they cannot be found.
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And Chazal tells us that when can you make the phone call to Hashem and when can you actually connect with Hashem and truly search for Him.
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Dears Hashem, behimotsu ikiru ise behise ikarav.
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That is referring to the ten days of Chuva, the Assyresi Mechuva.
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Now the turbulence is by design so that you can reach out and connect and come close to Hashem, to embrace the turbulence.
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Reorganize your priorities in your inner life.
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Try to cut them I'm speaking to myself and try to say it directly.
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Try to quit the mindless time-wasting scrolling To get into maximizing our time reading, studying and seeing the world, learning about Hashem and our job here.
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Examine yourself, meet yourself, perhaps for the very first time, with some peace and some quiet.
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Think and let it illuminate your path, let it illuminate your past so you see back, you see forward and you know what to do and you know what to correct.
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Go all in, for there has been jab, jab, jab, but now is the time for the right hook.
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There's no more time to keep faking.
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Now is the time to really actually do something, to stop messing around and to apply your will, to really jump into Daphne, to jump into learning in depth, to jump into Daphne, to start Sancta Element, to start actually honoring others and honoring your parents.
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So make the phone call.
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Search for Hashem have nine perfect days as we move closer to the holiest day of the year, the day of Atoma, the day of Yom Kippur.
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So embrace the turbulence, fasten your seatbelts and shake yourself awake and recognize the obligations that you have.