Touching on a fascinating psychological insight Rav Mattisayahu Solomon tells us why we should keep our commitments private, and we uncover another practical approach to help our commitments stick. Who cares if they think it'...
In today's Torah talk we discuss why we need 4 days of selichos and why Rosh Hashanah is different from other holidays. Eye-popping Sfas Emes Giving ourselves to G-D Check out our other content! SUBSCRIBE to The Torah Podcast...
In this short dvar Torah based on this week's parsha we explore one theme of the mitzvah of bikkurim and discuss the possibly of us giving proper thanks to Hashem. Gut Shabbas! Puzzling Rashi The depth of our blessings Check ...
In today's Torah talk: We discuss learning from the best, and what "beating" a middah means. Why we must learn to control our character traits, and not always just turn the valve off. Elon Musk Outward signs of heat but cool ...
In today's Torah talk we discuss the three necessary components of teshuva this Elul, and one pet peeve we all have. The truth about teshuvah How to protect from wobbly tables Check out our other content! SUBSCRIBE to The Tor...
In today's Torah talk, we discuss a famous parable told by the Dubno Maggid relaying the power of truth, and we extract one practical lesson. Can a lamp give birth? If it's working does that mean it's right? Check out our oth...
In today's short Torah talk, we discuss one of the many things we can learn from her majesty and her legacy after the sad news of her passing, and we delve in to the topic of malchus. Raise the gates and blow the shofar! True...
In this short dvar Torah we explore 5 different small commitments you can make today, that make waves in your life and effect major positive change. Small but mighty changes Bucket and a pail. Check out our other content! SUB...
In today's Torah talk we discuss the scene inside shul this Rosh Hashana, and why we can't just hire a lawyer to get a good verdict for us. Plus, a new approach to the high holidays. Become indispensable. New approach from Ra...
In today's shiur we discus the unparalleled relationship that our body and soul share together. We search for the truth of the matter- "if two kings cannot share a crown who rules your world?" The odd couple. A battle worth f...
In today's Torah talk we discuss That One Thing. It is our job as Jews to climb the spiritual latter and connect to Hashem, in this episode we discuss that one thing we all face, and how to overcome it. Based on a talk given ...
In today's Torah talk we discuss the ebb and flow between good days and bad days. We explore how to approach a tough day, and grind through it. How to get through the bad times. The ladder we all climb. Check out our other co...
In today's Torah insight we focus on one mussar idea important in our generation- When to change and accept the social normalcies and when to resist the new social "norms". Stepping out of bounds. "Growing our roots out." Che...
In this short dvar Torah about the month of Elul, we uncover one facet of the month that should inspire our entire being. The Torah tells us there are special, auspicious times for change, and now is one of them. Today we lea...
In this short dvar Torah we uncover a valuable tool to emerge victorious this Rosh Hashanah. In a gold mine of an insight Rav Yerucham Levovitz explain to us, how acting like Yehuda is the key to meriting another year of life...
In today's short Torah talk we explore the fringe benefits that making kabbalos/commitments have and why they accelerate our spiritual growth. The hidden wisdom behind a commitment How to remain inspired Check out our other c...
In today's short dvar Torah we discuss the truth about self development and change. We explore our ability to change the present moment. Life is like a wave. Changing the present moment. Check out our other content! SUBSCRIBE...
In Today's dvar Torah we discuss one indispensable idea needed to perfect your character. Based on Rav Yerucham Levovitz's insight on Parshas Shoftim. How to guard your eyes. The importance of Mussar study. Check out our othe...
In this short dvar Torah we discuss how to receive the golden ticket into Gan Eden. The Rambam explain's to us the necessary requirements to unlock your future paradise. How to unlock your Olam Habah Practical advice from Rab...
In today's Torah talk: Different times of the year require heightened levels of focus. When Elul comes along it's playoff time. How professionals prepare for the playoffs. Making a playoff run. Check out our other content! SU...
In today's Torah talk: We discuss the concept of upholding our Kabalos even when they are painful. Enduring through pain is the first step through the door of greatness. "The pain tells you it's working." Why don't people kee...
In today's Torah talk: The saintly Chofetz Chaim reveals to us common excuses we use to relinquish our responsibilities, and why they are fabrications we cook up. In this episode we learn why Teshuvah starts today. Why should...
In today's Torah talk: What makes Elul special? The mere word often strikes fear and awe in our hearts, in this episode we discuss one clause in the contract to receive divine assistance. The one "T'nai" Why now is the time. ...
In today's Torah talk: One foundational message from the revered Rav Elya Svei, and a new perspective on Torah and Tefillah. Finding the answer to our problems. The right teacher. Check out our other content! SUBSCRIBE to The...