Season 2

March 8, 2023

Purim Takeaway

Every year, during the holiday of Purim, we are reminded that Hashem is always listening to us and never leaves us alone. He hears every prayer, sees every tear, and is with us throughout our exile. We celebrate this special ...
Jan. 3, 2023

Asara B'Teves

Fast days can be challenging. Today's short Dvar Torah discusses the secret to capitalizing on its great potential. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! JOIN HERE ---------------...
Jan. 2, 2023

Pledge Your Allegiance

In today's Torah talk, we discuss multiple approaches to explain a peculiar happening in our parsha. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! JOIN HERE ---------------- SUBSCRIBE to ...
Jan. 2, 2023

All You Can

You can't control the outcomes but can work your face off. As the saying goes, "the dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately." enjoy today's short motivational Torah talk. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community...
Jan. 1, 2023

A Story You Won't Believe

As heard from Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman Shlita, a powerful and brand new story. We are treated to a fresh approach toward living in the diaspora based on a conversation between the great Chofetz Chaim and Rabbi Elchonon Wasserma...
Dec. 30, 2022

I Am Yoseph, Is My Father Still Alive?

A short and powerful idea from the great Beis Halevi on Parshas Vayigash. A quick view based on the week's parsha. This direct and impactful idea from a Torah giant exposed a harsh truth. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp c...
Dec. 29, 2022

A Dangerous Yet Eye Opening Insight

A mind is a powerful place. Today's idea explores the far-reaching ramifications and importance of obedience and discipline to the order of reason. (Based on Rav Yeruchom Levovitz'sclassic work "Da'as Torah") Support the Show...
Dec. 28, 2022

How Did I Miss That?

How did the Shevatim/the brothers not notice that it was Yosef? Yes, Yosef now had a beard, but listen to how the Ramban answers this question on the Parsha. (Week of Pashas Vayigash) Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp commu...
Dec. 27, 2022

Mommy Come Home!

What does the house look like when mom's away for only three days? Today's Motivation Congregation discusses how life without the Beis Hamikdash is like living G-D forbid without a mother. A verse we say in Hallel is the cent...
Dec. 26, 2022

The Best Way

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Today's Motivation Congregation explores the best way to teach your kids "the straight path." The Torah teaches us the importance of proper parenting. In this short vort, we explore...
Dec. 25, 2022

What's Your Name?

In today's short torah talk, we discuss why we praise Hashem's "name" and why Esav called himself Edom. (Fascinating Ohr Hachaim, as heard from Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman Shlita) Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for ...
Dec. 25, 2022

Story Time (Chanukah)

The story of Chanukah has been passed down for generations. It is a timeless tale about oppressed people's courage and faith and triumph over tyranny. The story begins in 165 BC when Antiochus IV, King of Syria, began persecu...
Dec. 23, 2022

All About The Buy (Mikeitz)

Based on a Beis Halevi, we unearth the depth behind financial success. A Posuk in our Parsha changes the way we should view the world. Good Shabbas! Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah c...
Dec. 22, 2022

Esrog Of Chanukah

Based on the beautiful Torah of Rav Eliyahu Baruch Finkel, we explain the unique Mitzvah specific to our Chanukah service. WhatsApp me and let me know your thoughts! Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily mot...
Dec. 21, 2022

Split Your Sea

In today's short Torah thought: "When you've done all you can, that's when Hashem takes over and miracles can happen. This Chanukah, transcend the laws of nature and graduate to the realm of blessing. Support the Show. Join t...
Dec. 20, 2022

Today's To Do List (Chanukah)

A fascinating idea from the Alter of Kelm on the significance and importance of the Chanukah Menorah. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! JOIN HERE ---------------- SUBSCRIBE to...
Dec. 19, 2022

Why Is Chanukah Special?

The Bach in Hilchos Chanukah gives us an entirely new perspective on this joyous holiday of Chanukah. Through lighting the Menorah on this festive holiday, we are reminded of our obligation to remember what G-d has done for u...
Dec. 18, 2022

Chanukah Prep.

Good Morning! In today's Short Torah Talk: One inspiring "Vort" from the illustrious Torah Giant Rav Shlomo Eiger. Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Network SUBSCRIBE to The Torah Podcast for a wee...
Dec. 18, 2022

It Ain't Over Till It's Over

Gut Vuch! A practical insight from our weekly Parsha! Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Network SUBSCRIBE to The Torah Podcast for a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsha, and follow us on WhatsApp for e...
Dec. 16, 2022

Lunch In Jail

My most enjoyable Dvar Torah to prepare to date. I hope you enjoy, and a "Gut Shabbas!" Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Network SUBSCRIBE to The Torah Podcast for a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsh...
Dec. 15, 2022

I Miss The Days When

In today's short Dvar Torah: A fresh perspective on stagnation, and a new understanding of the simple greatness of aspirations. Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Network SUBSCRIBE to The Torah Podc...
Dec. 14, 2022

Create More Time

Translating the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch as literally and practically as possible expands the hours in our day. Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Network SUBSCRIBE to The Torah Podcast for a weekl...
Dec. 13, 2022

At What Cost?

In today's short Torah talk: A shocking and sobering insight from the Alter of Slabodka about our obligation to perform acts of kindness. Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Network SUBSCRIBE to The ...
Dec. 12, 2022

I Love Steak

A foundational insight hides behind Yitzchak's request of Esav to bring him steak. Hear Rav Hirsch's timeless Chinuch lesson on today's Motivation Congregation. Follow our Podcast Channel! Torah, Chochmah, U'Mussar Podcast Ne...