At the beginning of Parshas Shemini, the Torah tells us that Aharon Hakohen was given the keys to the Mishkan and anointed High Priest. However, on his first day on the job, things didn't quite go as expected. In this episode...
We often witness Hashem's hand in the extraordinary and unexpected. We are reminded of the milestones that G-d has performed and continues to perform for us daily. The splitting of the Red Sea is one such momentous event - wh...
In today's short Torah talk we discuss the proper post-Pesach mindset. Rav Wolbe teaches us one essential idea to help us turn our inspiration into action. As we count the days of Sefiras Ha'Omer up until the holiday of Shavu...
Competition gives us a unique perspective on the world, gives us a sense of accomplishment, and can be incredibly rewarding. The Torah teaches us that completion is essential and should not be taken lightly. We must strive to...
On the seventh day of Pesach, a miraculous event occurred. After centuries of enslavement and oppression, the sea miraculously split, allowing the Jewish people to escape the clutches of their oppressors. This divinely-orches...
The Jewish people celebrate the holiday of Pesach, which commemorates Hashem performing miracles for the Jewish people, and eternally connecting himself to this Abrahamic fraternity. Every year when we bake and eat our Pesach...
Jews still mark the days between Passover and Shavuot in a "Counting of the Omer." The period of 49 days counted is known as the "Omer period" or "the Omer." Each day, Jews recite a special blessing in the synagogue or at hom...
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein ztl was a renowned and respected scholar who dedicated his life to enabling Jewish women to explore and grow in their knowledge of the Torah. He founded Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls...
In today's short motivational Torah talk, we discuss the importance of learning the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim as if it is the first time you're hearing it. People often rely on their original understanding of the story, but ...
In today's short motivational Torah talk, we focus on a small detail that separates two nearly identical stories. This often overlooked yet crucial point can be between night and day and success and failure. Support the Show....
Seder night is the highlight of Pesach for many Jewish families, but it can be challenging to keep children excited and engaged in the rituals. The key is to make it fun and interactive. Here are some tips on how to keep your...
The story of the Exodus is one of struggle, faith, and determination. After years of enslavement in Egypt, the God of Israel appeared to Moses in a burning bush and commanded him to lead his people from captivity. Moses went ...
It was the night of Pesach, and the family had gathered together for their Seder. The house was filled with laughter and conversations as aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends arrived to celebrate. As they took their places at ...
The Kohen, or High Priest, is an important figure in Judaism, and he is responsible for performing the sacred rituals and ceremonies of the faith. As such, he must be dressed appropriately for his role. The Kohen's traditiona...
As heard on Daf Yomi with Rabbi Bornstein: One incredible insight said in the name of the holy Chavos Yair. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! JOIN HERE ---------------- SUBSCR...
The Jewish holiday of Pesach, or Passover , is a time to celebrate freedom. It commemorates the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt, but it also serves as a reminder that we can all be free from bad habits and behavi...
In the world of spirituality, material things are not as important within this realm. Here the focus is on spiritual growth and understanding; knowledge, wisdom, and compassion are held in higher regard than material possessi...
Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is a Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is celebrated for seven days, with the first and last days being special holidays. On the first nig...
As heard from Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita, this extraordinary story clues us into the back story of how Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner Z"L checked for chametz and how he propelled himself to be one of the most outstanding Torah scho...
The way the first mitzvah was taught to Klal Yisroel by Moshe Rabbeinu is a framework for educating future generations. As heard from av Reuven Leuchter, this insight changes everything about Jewish education. Support the Sho...
Parshas Vayikra dives deep into the laws of the korbanos, or offerings. This includes an in-depth look at the bird elevation offering, which is unique from all other offerings. In today's episode, we explore a unique halacha ...
The celebration of the Jewish month of Nissan is an integral part of the Jewish faith and culture, and it brings joy to many families each year. It marks the first month of the new Hebrew year. This time is filled with family...
Rav Shach explains that when Moshe wrote the word Vayikra, he used a small aleph as part of the word. He explains that this was to teach us an important lesson. By making the aleph smaller than the other letters, Rav Shach sh...