July 5, 2022

Grow Through What You Go Through

In this episode we discuss how only through our challenges do we have the ability to become great.

  • How to view your stress and aggravations
  • Should we pray for our problems to leave?

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I once complained to a very wise man that life's just kind of a mess at times. You get your Torah study in order and your middos and your shalom bayis is rolling and your davening is rolling, and then at other times it's just a total mess. Something seems to fall apart and then you wiggle over there, take care of it and then something else starts to implode. He responded with that's the point. Life's a mess. We always are trying to get rid of the mess. We always say if I didn't have this problem that I would be killing it. I wouldn't be at the top of my game if I didn't have this problem. False. The only way to get to the top of your game is through the problem. R' Yerucham Levovoitz the great spiritual dean of Yeshivas Mir during the roaring 20s tells us that what is that Koach Hagidel? What is the one source that drives you to become greater? What is the one and only thing? It is nisyanos; it is problems. Life is a mess. Love the disorder in life, love that heap of confusion, and absolutely adore the chaos that life is because that is the only chance he got to make it to the top.