One of the most important ideas to date. The truth, the whole truth ,and nothing but the truth.
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How do you get happy? How can you increase your happiness? And how can you stay happy? As humans, we are a species that loves pleasure. We crave enjoyment, and it would seemingly follow that we could find out how to attain happiness. But the truth is that we all kind of suffer from this delusional thinking that we cannot seem to attain or finally catch happiness. We want more, and when it leaves we want it back. You want the secret to happiness? The truth? GIVING is what makes you happy, not taking. It seems illogical and completely nonsensical, that the person who gives a gift would enjoy it more than the person who accepts the gift. The philosopher Aristotle did not understand. It doesn't really make any sense. However it works. Is it now a large wonder why Rebbi Akiva would teach V'ahavta L'reacha Komacha Zeh Klal Gadol B'Torah. You want happiness, give. You want more happiness, give more. You want to stay happy, keep giving.
Here are some great episodes to start with.