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Without the following mindset and perspective on life, it would seem that failure and unmet expectations may be right around the corner, god forbid.
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I wholeheartedly believe that Rabbi Rabihim Valaazan, the saintly Baal Shemtiv and the Qadr Shabisrael Salantar, that they all were pushing and creating a movement that was trying to inspire this one mindset needed.
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I believe it's passion and a youthful excitement about Yiddish, for we are a nation of movements, but the movements that are real and that endure and that help are the movements that keep Jews not only status quo and staying religious, but build, encourage, galvanize and excite.
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That's what hasidic thought tells us that when you go to work, when you have a vodka, it doesn't matter, it's all Qadosh, for Judaism permeates all of your life.
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The Mus'ra movement tells us that there's this passionate relationship with God.
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Love your Creator and think about life, come to Him through introspection.
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The Yashivma movement preaches that you can become a master of the Talmud and a leading halachic authority and a leader's system to see Hashem, that it all is built on a briachatichon.
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I believe of that.
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If you aren't passionate about your Judaism, it will break and wither away.
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And even if one is a halachic following Jew but he's just going through the motions, without a heart on fire, that he isn't passionate, without some form of piety, mus'r or intense Torah study.
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Well then, disasters around the corner, god forbid.
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And Rabi Srel points to a Bala Turem and this parasha to prove this idea about the Mus'ra movement.
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He would show how there are Kruvim.
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There are these two golden like angelic children on top of the Arun, the Ark, and Kruvim an odd word.
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Where does it come from?
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The Bala Turem says, citing Arash and Sokka, also pointing to a Pusik and Hosea, that Kruvim is Kiravya, like a child.
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So, rabi Srel, children are at the very center of the heart of the sacred shed, this tabernacle.
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Because who gets to go in there?
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Only the holiest of holy people.
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And what do they see?
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At the crown of Torah, the very top, topping this holy Ark.
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They see youthfulness, they see Kiravya.
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That word in Hosea, perikot, chaspazik, alif, is right where it all begins and why God fell in love with us.
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For the Jewish people are Na'ar Yisrael v'Oavey.
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They are youthful, they are spry, they are passionate about their service, even naive at times, with their love of the Creator, and that's why I love them.
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There is no retirement withdrawing from your great spiritual endeavors.
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Judaism believes to serve with passion and excitement To throw off the yoke of self-imposed limitations and inspire yourself like a child.
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Dream big to land on the moon and serve Hashem with excitement, with a heart on fire, whether through Musur or through Hasidicism, becoming a devout, pious Jew, becoming a Yeshiva light, a Yeshiva member, part of the Yeshiva movement.
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Join whatever movement you want, but serve Hashem with heart.
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Serve Hashem like Kruvim Kiravya, like a child Askinar.
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Yisrael v'Oavey with passion is why God loves us.