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It is impossible to find life boring or one's Torah study colorless and uninspiring.
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If we internalize this mindset, it is from one of the very first mitzvahs given to the Jewish people, the Karbon Pesach that comes along with it a plethora of halachos.
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The Torah uses an odd word Dabiru El-Kol Adashi's Trial that the mitzvah should be told to the Jewish people as Dabiru, speaking to Moshe, go and speak to them and tell them that they should go and get a lamb, a kid, tied to the bedpost on the 10th of Nisan.
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But Dabiru is plural.
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It is two people speaking, but we have already been told that it is Moshe who will be doing the speaking.
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So why Dabiru, dabiru El-Kol Adashi?
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And because Aron is Dabiru, and why not Aron Adashi?
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Is it Aron or is it Moshe?
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Why is it plural?
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El-kol-kin covered Zelozeh, but Moshe and Aron were giving honor to each other and they were sitting as a Chavrusashaft study partners, telling each other La Medeni, teach me the commandment that we just heard from Hashem, the hadibur, yod seh mi b'in shne'em.
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And so the speech, the new mitzvah, was taught to the assembly of Israel as emerging between the two of them, keelushne'em Medabrim, as if both were speaking.
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Moshe and Aron knew the mitzvah Clear, you knew what to say and how to educate the people, but together, back and forth.
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La Medeni, brother, I want to learn.
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Tell it to me again.
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What animal should we take?
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How do we do it?
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They were giving honor to each other just to hear it again and let the other one speak.
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But between the two of them arguing in their milchoma of Tyra, the heavenly voice came forth.
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One single voice came forth and educated the people, all from two different people saying I want to learn, la Medeni, from one of the very first mitzvahs we get.
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We are taught how to fight burnout, how to stay excited and why educators are so thirsty for more information.
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Because they live and they learn with Alamdani, teach me.
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They already maybe know the mitzvah, they know the halacha, but they want to know what their students have to say.
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They want to know about the great college of life and what it has to say.
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They want to know what their spouse has to say.
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Everything is there to be an education, the motion ironed back and forth in one of the very first mitzvahs that is given to us, but the outline and fully encapsulating the idea that we must learn with, and that is La Medeni, teach me, I want to learn.