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This is the final chapter, where it all ends, a story that really began back in Parashasperaceous, with, well, the very beginning, the beginning of time that now we are putting the finishing touches on it, tying a bow, parashasvayichi, that will be the concluding of the Ovos and the transitioning, the changing of the guard into the Shvotim, into a clallious thrall, a nation of Israel.
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But the mood is somber.
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Yaakov of Vino is lying weak on his deathbed and he says Gather my children, gather my sons, assemble yourselves and I will give you prophetic blessings and foretell your futures.
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And first comes first Ruvane, a very beautiful foretelling of his blessings.
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You are my firstborn, you are my strength, you are my initial vigor, foremost in rank, you are Ruvane.
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But then the blessings take a very sharp left turn.
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But, ruvane, with water-like impetuosity, you have acted and you cannot be foremost referencing old past misdeeds.
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Yaakov stripped him, or foretold, of a stripping of his rank.
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Ruvane squandered his big opportunity, all of his milos, because of the attribute of impetuosity, impetuousness, acting quickly, brazenly, without a thought and without care.
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It is very different in nature from Zareza's alacrity, which seems to give off the notion of acting quickly with thought.
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But the muscer, the blessing, the telling of the truth was that Ruvane lost it all because he acted with haste.
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And it's startling.
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The Torah gives us a clear mushel, a parable of how to see impetuosity, impetuousness.
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And he says they're pachas.
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You acted hastily, like water.
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For if you've seen a cup of water on the table, surely you have.
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Even if somebody walks past the table and shakes the table on the slightest bit, the water will already go sloshing about from side to side.
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It isn't stapled down, but it's constantly bouncing without any sort of anchor.
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So today we take a second to dwell on the importance of acting with sechel, going about things methodically, not rushing into things, but instead acting with Zarezos.
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And while it may be very important, your initiative, recall even Valhazan.
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Yeshiva was delayed for a year when he asked his rabbi.
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Rabbi Valhazan asked the villan ago should I open the Yeshiva?
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And he said wait, wait, one year.
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This is perhaps the most damning meadah of them all.
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If you want to have a muster exercise, perhaps we will conclude.
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If you ever select a song, you already know how hard it is to listen to the very end.
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Well, don't be, pachas kamaim, wait until a song finishes.
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Struggle through that whole song, even through the second chorus and only once it ends.
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When you've worked on patience, on acting with thought and care, well then you go on to the next one.
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God forbid, don't act impetuously, for it can God forbid, lead someone to squander all of his blessings.