You must know your WHY. What makes you tick. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
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You must know your why. Why do you do it? Why do you wake up in the morning? What drives you? We must know our why. We must know our Chovaso B'Olamo. We must know what our objective, what our job, what our obligation in life is. When you know your why you find you'll have ultimate serenity, because no matter where you go, you still know where your objective is, you still know where your goal is. So if you're doing everything you can to get there, you find such inner peace. You must know your why. If someone asks you, what do you do? What do you do for a living, let's say even like that? People answer. I'm a contractor. I'm an accountant. I'm a lawyer. I'm a doctor. What you DO is I am a servant of God. I'm a Jew. What do I do for a means of parnassah, I have something else that I do so that I can pay my bills and that's also a mitzvah. But, we must know our why. We all have our own why. You must define it, and that will lead to ultimate peace.
Here are some great episodes to start with.