July 10, 2022

Make Your Bed!

The navy seals know what's up. Start your day right.

  • Why is it so important to make your bed?
  • Can making your bed make you a more productive person?

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It is well known and quite legendary the emphasis that the great Reb Simcha Zissel Ziv , the Alter of Kelm would place on being Misudar on being organized, orderly, and having your things arranged. Organizing your thoughts, organizing your mind, and arranging things all the way down to making your bed. It is mostly a lost art and ideal of the past, but in one place of the world this concept still lives on. I'm from a sleepy town called Norfolk, Virginia. It is about seven hours from Lakewood if you drive south. If you've ever been to our town, that's probably because you went on a Chol Hamoed trip or you took your family for vacation there to visit the Army, Navy and Air Force Base. We are mostly a very calm, peaceful, innocent town, but travel about 10 miles outside of Norfolk and you will find the largest naval base in the world. People flock from all over to get a tour of the naval base, the army base, the seals, SEAL Team Six, all of this on this naval base. We are also famous for our navy seals that are trained there. Every day when the seals, the Navy SEALs, are woken up in the morning, their bed is inspected for how it has been made. Are the corners squared? The blankets pulled tight? Has the pillow been centered beneath the headboard? This is a seemingly small task yet these drill sergeants command that it be done to perfection. There is much wisdom and many practical benefits in doing this. To name a few you've now accomplished your first task of the day. That can lead to the second task. It also teaches the importance of making sure to do the small things correctly. But the most important thing is that making your bed in the morning organizes, clarifies, and creates a clear and level headed mind. Consider living like a Talmud of Yeshivas Kelm and make your bed in the morning to perfection. That will springboard you into having a fantastic day.