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zealotry is kind of like shopping in Saks Fifth Avenue, because if you have to ask the price, well then you can't afford it and it's not for you.
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Pinchas was rewarded with the covenant of peace, wholesomeness, goodness, as a reward for his acting on his own whims, acting unilaterally, charging forward with a spear.
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For his acting on his own whims, acting unilaterally, charging forward with a spear in his hand and killing the outright rebellious sinners Cosby and Zimri, who were sinning in public.
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The halacha tells us that Pinchas wasn't just acting spontaneously, but there was a legal basis for this, for in certain horrible events a person can mete out punishment and he doesn't have to wait for proper jurisprudence.
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But the act so incredible, so strong, pinchas, showing so much gvura that maybe the commentators suggest that because of this he ended up becoming El Yoanavi and never dying.
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Because of this great act of avenging God's vengeance, and even after his great act, which needed miracles from God to enable it, you'd think that it would be enough that people would finally back Pinchas, but just like anybody who's ever done something good in politics, people immediately still begin to push back and say what have you done for me?
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Lately, rashi tells us that the tribes were still snickering after Penchas acted spontaneously, saying, yeah, your great grandfather used to do Avodah Zarah, he used to hang out with Buddha or have unfiltered internet, still making fun of him, still not backing him.
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And the Altar of Kalm points out the most basic takeaway that one should have from Parshas, balak and Pinchas that the Gevurah, the strength needed to step forward and do what's right, sometimes is so immense.
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But a person can judge himself based on how much he hates evil.
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He hates when somebody goes against God's will and he's willing to act on it.
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That shows that, oavei Hashem, when you really love God, sinu Ra, you hate evil.
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That is the takeaway that a person should be penchas-like, like a zealot.
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He should show strength and gvura, because if not for penchas acting as brazen as he did and as strong and as courageous as he did, who knows, maybe there wouldn't be a Klal Yisrael, because the plague was just wiping us out and before 24,000 of us passed away Until finally, things were saved.
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The takeaway should be to act with gvura, in your Yiddishkeit, to hate evil, even in a generation that is totally accepting of all different behaviors.
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As Jews, we believe in right and wrong, and it probably is not in your best interest to go around stabbing people.
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In fact, most definitely you should not do that.
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But you should act with strength for what you know is right, at least in your own life, and serve Hashem with passion, serve Hashem with your entire heart and epitomize gevura, real true courage and strength, in your avaytas Hashem, just like Penhas did.
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Thank you,