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It seems that fashionable philosophy has placed this mitzvah in the wrong category.
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See, surely you have recognized that there are two categories of mitzvahs.
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There are the mitzvahs that are very strict and binding, that must be fulfilled on certain days and at certain times, like Matzah on the first night of Pesach and Shagin'a Lula of Onsukes.
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But then there's another type of mitzvah that can be performed on any day, perhaps the more the merrier.
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An example would be like kindness, some people won't stop fulfilling the mitzvah of Proueravu in procreation until they have packed the minibus, the elite 12 passenger van with 12 children, 12 separate mitzvah machines in the world.
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But when it comes to the mitzvah of Chuva, it seems that it's been placed in the second category, as if whenever.
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But the truth is that the Pasek tells us that Lifnei Hashem Titoru, a commandment to repent, to purify yourself in front of Hashem, a mitzvah like Shofar, a mitzvah like Lula, not like sprinkles to the ice cream, but the actual ice cream itself.
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And this time ice cream is for dinner and it's a must have.
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And therefore there are ahalakos to how to get the Shofar, the Lula, how Chuva is to get done.
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Behold, diktu kehal uprateh vechavanoseh.
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You must have this confession process.
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You must forsake the sin, commit in the future to do better.
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And all the sins that are between you and your friend Yom Kippur does not repent, does not atone for those.
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You must return the pencil, return the tissue to your friend Halahos that are binding.
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And this leads us to the ultimate conclusion of the benevolence in regards to this mitzvah that Hashem has shown to us.
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For by Shofar and by Lula, we have a very short time to be able to get it done.
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But when it comes to Chuva, hashem didn't just give us one day.
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He said I'll give you an entire stint of time.
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I'll give you an entire ten days of Aseris, yumei, chuva, three hundred and fifty five days.
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Maybe you spend sinning here.
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You got ten days for Chuva.
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I'll give you a light, a big flash of lightning before it, oyuri v'yishi, that before the yishi of Yom Kippur, you get a Shofar and the brilliant light, some clarity that illuminates your path of Rosh Hashem.
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You get its own Gedalia where you get to put all the distractions aside and think about your life.
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All this preparation to help us get the mitzvah, the binding mitzvah that carries with it a bevy of Halahos called Chuva.
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Done that when we see the passo of Kikar velecha, hadovrim aod, that Chuva is very near to us.
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You start to understand it because of all the eitza that Hashem has given us and all these opportunities.
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So when Hashem says, lefne Hashem ti taru, command you to purify yourself to be able to look inside of the mirror, or look up at Hashem and say, I'll have it on your desk in the morning.