Feb. 25, 2025

The Power of Prayer: Lessons from Moshe Rabbeinu

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In this episode, we explore the remarkable story of Moshe Rabbeinu, diving into his experience with a speech impediment and how it shaped his leadership as the chosen savior of the Jewish people. Moshe's hesitant approach to asking for what he needed reveals profound insights about humility and the significance of explicit prayer in our lives. We dissect how Moshe’s "heavy lips" influenced his ability to lead, offering a fresh perspective on what it means to be in touch with our vulnerabilities.

Drawing from interpretations by esteemed scholars, we unpack the complexities of Moshe's character—his self-doubt, humility, and ultimately, the challenge of acknowledging his limitations. As we delve into his story, we invite listeners to reflect on their own struggles with articulating desires and encourage the practice of beseeching for what we truly want from the Almighty. 

The conversation leaves us with an enlightening revelation: good things come not just to those who wait, but also to those who pray earnestly for their dreams and desires. As you listen, consider your own aspirations and how you might express them more clearly, welcoming the divine help that might be waiting for you. Don't forget to subscribe, share your thoughts, and let us know what you want to ask for!

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00:00 - Introduction to Moshe’s Speech Impediment

18:00 - Moshe’s Humility and Leadership Challenges

04:00:00 - The Importance of Explicit Prayer


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you may know what you want and Hashem may in fact also know what you want.

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You're both on the same page.

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But unless you do this one thing, you may still remain empty-handed.

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Moshe Rabbeinu as he begins to negotiate with HaKadosh Baruch Hu back a couple of parashios ago about going to save the Jewish people.

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Moshe giving many amaslas, very many excuses, reasons why he is unworthy, his humility shining through.

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We can't understand why it is that he would be the chosen savior of the Israelites.

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Vayaymer Moshe gives for not being the right contestant to win the game show of who gets to save the Jews.

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Moshe says I have heavy lips.

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I have heavy lips and I have a heavy tongue, a sort of speech limitation.

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Some call it a speech impediment.

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But when one does begin to conjure up a picture of Moshe Rabbeinu in their mind, the greatest man that ever lived, the man that fought with angels and spoke face to face with the creator of the world like you and I would speak with our best friend next to the water cooler in the office you don't always think of that Moshe Rabbeinu, to have a speech impediment, or at least whatever it means to have a heavy mouth.

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There are many different approaches to the question of why it is that Hashem organized the affairs of the world, should have a chosen nation be let out of impending doom by a leader that struggled to speak the way that you and I are used to.

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It's hard to say and hard to imagine.

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There's a famous approach from the Rahn and his droshes, from Nissen ben Reuven.

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There's another mahalik, another approach, from the great Balatania, rav Shmer Zalman of Liadi.

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But for today's discussion it's important to remember what the Ramban ala Torah explains as the reason why Moshe Rabbeinu's kvad peh was never healed.

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It means a great deal for you and I.

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V'hanachon be'enai sheomar, hashem was never healed.

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It means a great deal for you and I.

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I can heal you, I can take care of you, moshe.

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Explaining what Hashem said to Moshe you never wanted your healing, you never wanted your healing, your removing of the speech impediment, and you never prayed before me about this matter.

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You never asked me for it, so I never healed it for you.

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What an unexpected chiddish.

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The Ramban tells us that Moshe's chvad peh, the limitation of his lips and of his tongue, was never healed simply because Moshe never davened for it.

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And maybe Moshe didn't daven because he maybe thought he would give him a get-off-the off the hook type of card, he'd be able to remain humble.

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But whatever the reason we see clearly here, no matter what it is that you have in your heart that you crave so badly, you know about it and Hashem knows about it, but you must.

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You must beseech the Almighty, implore opportunities and beseechments, prayers in front of God, to ask Hashem explicitly for it.

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We can really change the entire definition of that axiom, that idiom of good things come to those who wait.

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It may not be true.

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It is.

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Good things come to those who pray for it and then wait, maybe.

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But if Moshe Rabbeinu, the leader of all leaders, the speaker of all speakers, never had his power of speech healed simply because he never explicitly prayed for it, then shouldn't that change our approach to what we want and how we go about seeing that it comes to fruition?

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Be sure to pray explicitly for what it is that you want and hopefully Hashem will hear that request and answer your tefillos.