Important insight about the connection of human anatomy and middos.
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You what you you merged calls, you swapped calls? Hashem created us with two eyes, two ears, one mouth. Well, the idea of giving people attention means listening to what they say, processing it before we interject our opinion; you have to first process what the other person is saying. We're so busy trying to put our two cents in when really, we never even give basic time to understand what the other person is saying. The Gemara tells us in Megilla "Hediyot Kafatz L'rosh". The Middah of Haman was to interject his opinion. When Achashverosh was asking what to do with the Jews. There were many advisors there. Haman jumped up and gave his opinion first, but the middah of righteous people is to listen, to constantly be learning from others. Even the Mishna in Avos tells us from people that are beneath your madrega but constantly listening, constantly learning. That's why we have two ears perhaps, two eyes, one mouth, it's not the opposite way around. Give people the basic time to develop their ideas, to process what they're saying before we interject our own opinion, perhaps it's insane that we should ever swap a call merge a call. Incoming call, call holding. Let people talk. Give them the attention, understand what they're saying. And then move on to the next thing.
Here are some great episodes to start with.