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Heroes aren't born, they are made.
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When an individual will show so much sacrifice and endurance for the greater good for his people, for what is true and right, he is crowned a hero.
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He is heroic and in the ultimate story, the Holy Torah, when you look at the auditions and tryouts for what crowned our ultimate champion and hero, perhaps you've heard of him before Moshe Rabbeinu.
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What was his audition?
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That Hashem said yeah, that's the man.
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There's only one episode.
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You're only told one little lead up to his anointment as our leader.
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He was sitting in the palace with Paro and he went outside and he saw the Jewish people's pain.
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He was no seba oil chavey, so he walked out.
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He felt bad for them.
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The measure tells us he put a sack on his back to try to schlep it and feel Jewish people's pain.
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Rashi says he was no save'en of Ba.
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He went out of his comfort zone and when Hashem saw this no seba oil chavey feeling for other people that is the quintessential Jewish leader he earned the main part.
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And so now, at this time when we so rarely have an opportunity to work on no seba oil chavey, it's hard to even think of this as some opportune time to do anything.
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But we are where we are and we need to do something.
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And how easy is it?
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Explained by elephants.
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Try to leave your comfort zone, to try to feel the pain, to really be there, mentally and emotionally, for the mothers and fathers and the young boys that are going into this hornest nest of Gaza To be no sa'en of Ba and like this.
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You're acting heroic, like Moshe Rabbein when your Biruch was organizing the letters of the altar of Kelm.
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Indeed, the very first step in greatness is no seba oil chavey, because it seems that you can just get out of your comfort zone and see life from a different point of view, one that may be from Hashem's point of view and your friend's point of view, but it's not all about love of self.
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So, no seba oil chavey, not in a way that depresses, not in a way that makes one feel melancholy, but feeling, maybe with a five minute worry time, maybe with only 30 minutes, that you look at the news, but feeling for somebody else, but putting the weight on your back that your friend is going through, and vice versa, when somebody makes a simcha, going out and dancing in the middle of the circle with the father and the father-in-law in the Chasem, because it's like you yourself are celebrating the wedding of a son.
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That's what no seba oil chavey means, like Moshe Rabbein did.
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Right now we have such an easy opportunity to feel the pain, the horrible tragedies so many people that are so close to home are going through.
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It's a tragedy that all of us should go out of our way to feel.