Oct. 9, 2024

What is Teshuvah? Can You Truly Believe Murder is Forgiven with a Simple Apology? Find Out the Truth!

What space exists for mercy in a universe where every action is meticulously weighed and judged by a divine hand? This intriguing enigma is unraveled as we explore Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto’s insights from the fourth chapter of "Mesilas Yisharim." As we ponder the delicate interplay between divine justice and mercy, we uncover the profound concept of Tshuva—a divine gift of extra time bestowed upon us to amend our past missteps. This thought-provoking discussion encourages you to reflect on your actions and utilize the precious time granted to rectify wrongdoings before the ultimate judgment.

As we journey through the significance of Yom Kippur and its closing moments, we emphasize the urgency to make the most of the divine grace extended to us. The episode serves as a call to action, urging each of us to embrace the opportunity for self-improvement and spiritual growth. By examining this balance of justice and mercy in our lives, we invite you to appreciate the profound generosity inherent in the concept of Tshuva. Join us as we delve into these sacred themes, inspiring you to seize the chance for personal transformation and a deeper connection with the divine.

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00:00:01.465 --> 00:00:02.488
It's a powerful question.

00:00:02.488 --> 00:00:04.205
I wonder if you have an answer.

00:00:04.205 --> 00:00:12.163
But Ramchal, the greater of Moshe, chaim Lutzato, in the fourth chapter of his B'silas Yisharim, what is to us?

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Our book of life?

00:00:13.106 --> 00:00:17.352
The one in the heavens, but the book of life for down here, below?

00:00:17.352 --> 00:00:26.274
Ramchal asks what place is there for mercy?

00:00:26.274 --> 00:00:30.429
We're at our yearly evaluation.

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God, with unfathomable preciseness, will reward every action, every thought and deed.

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Every person gets their just desserts, what's coming to them for even the slightest infraction.

00:00:50.448 --> 00:00:58.722
So, if so that God is exacting and precise, since a person rebelled, god said don't.

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And then a person went ahead and did in front of Hashem's face and Hashem is ultimately perfect and true, if Hashem must be precise and give everyone what he or she truly deserves, so what room is there for mercy?

00:01:16.927 --> 00:01:21.331
You can't possibly think that a sin is just erased.

00:01:21.331 --> 00:01:29.805
Could you say the same thing if somebody should accidentally or God forbid murder somebody, dare I say R-A-P-E rape somebody?

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Could you just say oh, it's fine, I was sorry, it doesn't work that way.

00:01:35.346 --> 00:01:46.066
So how could it be that God, in all of his preciseness, just doesn't punish or reward for certain actions?

00:01:46.066 --> 00:01:47.546
What place is there for tshuva?

00:01:47.546 --> 00:01:53.326
And Ramchal says something astounding what place is there for tshuva.

00:01:53.326 --> 00:01:54.545
What is granted to us?

00:01:54.545 --> 00:02:17.149
It's not that God overlooks something or forgets about something God forbid but rather, but rather, you are granted more time and you are not taken and plucked from this earth right immediately after the sin.

00:02:18.199 --> 00:02:22.331
What is the gift of tshuva, in all its clarity, right here from Ramchal?

00:02:22.331 --> 00:02:36.945
It's the chesed gomer, it's the incredible kindness of the Almighty that he says yes, I'm going to be exacting, with retribution and with what I will reward you with, but that won't happen.

00:02:36.945 --> 00:02:39.325
For a little bit of time.

00:02:39.325 --> 00:02:43.330
You have a moratorium, a postponement.

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We'll shelf your case and let's see what you got, make it up to me, and then all is forgiven.

00:02:51.819 --> 00:03:08.765
What Shuvah is in all of its clarity is more time, because God is not a Vatron, god doesn't just overlook, because God is exacting and extremely error-free, accurate, precise and with pinpoint measuring of everything.

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That's what you get, but the gift of tshuva is that you have more time to correct previous errors.

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More time, more time.

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That's what we have now, and with the clock ticking down until when the clock strikes zero and we have Hashem Hu'el Ekim on Yom Kippur and we then escort Hashem back up into the heavens, I think it would be smart if all of us made the most of our time, because this great gift of tshuva is what Hashem gave us, which is some extra time for us to fix what we have previously broken.