March 20, 2023

Write Your Own Sefer Tehillim

We must take the time to recognize Hashem's gifts of life and love and thank Him for them. Rav Yeruchom Levovitz encourages us to compose our own book of psalms, our gratitude journal filled with thank-you notes to G-d for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. This is a way to show appreciation and express our value for those gifts. Writing down our gratefulness helps us stay mindful of Hashem's grace and reminds us that it's essential to pause, reflect, and be thankful each day. We should count our blessings regularly to live with gratitude, joy, and peace. Only then can we truly understand and appreciate just how much Hashem does for us. Rav Yeruchom Levovitz teaches us to recognize the good and express our thanksgiving. Indeed, writing a personal book of psalms is an excellent way to practice being thankful and mindful of Hashem's gifts.

• Recognizing Hashem's gifts of life and love should be a priority.
• Rav Yeruchom Levovitz suggests composing a gratitude journal - a book of psalms - to express appreciation for the blessings bestowed by G-d.
• Writing down one's gratefulness keeps them mindful of Hashem's grace and reminds them to pause, reflect, and appreciate the gifts.
• Counting blessings regularly can lead to living with gratitude, joy, and peace.
• Expressing thanksgiving is an essential part of understanding Hashem's endless generosity.

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