July 1, 2022

Your Head Bows When It Hears The Word "Modim"!

Give thanks. Real thanks. The blessing of Modim is key.

  • Praying by rote
  •  A Gemara you won't believe 

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You want to have Kavana well let's start by thanking G-d for how much we have. When we get to Modim, the Thanksgiving bracha, we bow down. It is intresante, it is interesting to note that the Gamara in Kesubos tells us that the head actually when it hears the word Modim, subconsciously it bends over. And it is a very sad thing to look around, and we are all guilty of it at times, our head just bows down when we realize oh wait I'm in the middle of davening. But, my Saba suggested to infuse Modim with a little bit more energy. Think of one thing every davening that you are thankful for say it out loud and tell G-d that. Modim Anachnu Lach, I am thankful that my fingers bend that my knuckles work. Modim Anachnu Lach, that I had cereal this morning and I didn't have to go out to the grocery store to get it. Modim Anachnu Lach, that my heart continues to beat. But, pick a different one every day. Don't write it down. Don't get all intense about it just a new thing every time. And when you look forward to that and you actually say it to Hashem, you'll realize that it is from Hashem and it will be all that more real.