Sept. 18, 2024

Untitled Episode

Ever found yourself engulfed in the whirlwind of Pesach preparations, only to see tensions rise and joy diminish? Join us as we unravel the insightful teachings of Parshashmini and the Hasidah bird, diving deep into the wisdom shared by scholars like Rashi and the Ger Rebbe. The discussion takes an intriguing turn as we explore why true kindness should extend beyond our inner circles, offering a valuable lesson for this hectic time of year.

We also dive into practical advice from Rebbe Lezevnik and Rebbe Moshe Sternbach on maintaining a balanced mindset amidst the chaos. Forget about seeking applause for fulfilling basic duties; instead, embrace your responsibilities with humility and dedication to God's will. Learn how to foster harmony at home and make your Pesach preparations spiritually enriching. This episode promises to inspire and guide you through the challenges, making this significant time of year truly meaningful.

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00:00:01.340 --> 00:00:27.018
With the kids off from school, mom and dad engaged in the cleaning frenzy, probably some significant traffic on the streets, a lot of people in one home can become kind of like a melting pot or building disaster, sholombayis disaster, with all the Pesach preparation.

00:00:27.018 --> 00:00:45.584
So it may be a good idea to keep the Hasidah's birds Rashi's comment on it lesson in your head to protect yourself from any unwanted happenings, if you get my drift.

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Well, in Parshashmini we learned about this Hasidah bird that's its name that this bird is prohibited from consumption.

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Rashi says well, what's in a name Hasidah?

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Because this bird, it does kindness with its close friends, with its peers, and because of that, this righteous bird isn't exactly a good example of Jewish people, because you only do kindness with your peers.

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So it's prohibited.

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And much ink has been spilled on this draft sheet to figure out what exactly is the chronic issue here with the Hasidic bird.

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The Yivinezer has one understanding, one approach that Jewish people were encouraged to do chesed at all the times of the year and with all people.

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And this Hasidic bird only does kindness with just its.

00:01:42.649 --> 00:01:46.631
You know, clique, its close friends, any of those in the club.

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There's different approaches, from the Ger Rebbe, the Imra'imus, but I heard over an idea from the great Rebbe Lezevnik, the Rebbe in the Presidential Estate Synagogue.

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I subsequently found it in Rebbe Moshe Sternbach's Tam Vidas at least an idea similar in which they said that, no, the fact that this Hasidic bird does what the Torah commands of it to do, good acts, meaning take care of your responsibilities.

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And the Hasidic bird, it's found and deems this as chesed, as kindness, as if you've done something so basic.

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But now you walk around as a big tzaddik because you're a chesed, because you brushed your teeth or took out the garbage.

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What do you want?

00:02:39.331 --> 00:02:40.014
A parade?

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You want us to bring in Benny Friedman and have a concert for you to celebrate that.

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You learned the Aleph Beis.

00:02:47.390 --> 00:02:49.039
It isn't chesed.

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This is an obligation, doing kindness for friends and family, the point being that it's commanded before Pesach for man, woman, to search out the chametz, to engage in these mitzvot.

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But quickly, one can feel entitled if they are doing more than the other spouse or they are picking up the slack, not doing enough.

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That person isn't doing it.

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It can feel like extras that you're giving and then you're not getting enough back.

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But the mindset should be that the Almighty commands men and women alike to have Dalet Kosos.

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So you shine the Kos.

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You want a big parade now.

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It's been obligated, it's been commanded.

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We shouldn't feel so entitled but be more of the opposite of the Hasidic bird.

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I do kindness and mitzvos and clean my house because I'm not looking for any parades, but because God commands that we keep his will.

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And when you live with that type of outlook this is my job it may help us to stay the course, stay consistent and not always looking for a little extra attention that can sometimes lead towards disaster.