According to the Ashkenazi custom (M.B. 428:26), the Haftarah for this week comes from Yechezkel (22:1-16). For a detailed discussion on the appropriate Haftarah, refer to Levush (493). This Haftarah is exceptionally rare, having been read only eig…
Iyar (Hebrew: אִייָר or אִיָּר) stands out as the eighth month of the civil year, commencing on 1 Tishrei, and the second month of the Jewish religious year, starting on 1 Nisan, as per the Hebrew calendar. This month, spanning 29 days and typi…
A compilation of significant events in Jewish history during the month of Iyar gathered from reputable sources such as and 1 Iyar, 5784 Passing of R. Menachem Mendel of Horodok (1788)Chassidic master Rabbi Menachem Mende…
Parashas Kedoshim consists of 3,229 letters, 868 Hebrew words, and 64 verses. Initially, G-d commanded Moshe to convey to the Israelites the significance of holiness, as God is sacred. Within the "Holiness Code," G-d delineated the pathway to blessi…
Ramban - Leviticus.19.2 קדושים תהיו ולפי דעתי אין הפרישות הזו לפרוש מן העריות כדברי הרב אבל הפרישות היא המוזכרת בכל מקום בתלמוד שבעליה נקראים פרושים והענין כי התורה הזהירה בעריות ובמאכלים האסורים והתירה הביאה איש באשתו ואכילת הבשר והיין א"כ ימצא בע…
Rabbi Chaim Vital, a remarkable figure in Jewish history, was born around 1543 CE. His family's origins in Calabria, Italy, earned him the name Rabbi Chaim Vital Calabrese. He served as a rabbi in Tzfas and was the primary disciple of Rav Isaac Luri…
What should someone wear on Chol Hamoed? The Mechilta (12:16) brings a verse in Vayikra (23:2) to teach us that on Yom Tov and even on Chol Hamoed, one is obligated to sanctify the day with clothes and food. However, the dress code on Chol Hamoed …
Here's a clever tip for remembering short-term tasks, such as counting Sefiras Haomer at night: deliberately and slightly misplace an object, like your ring, watch, or phone. Rediscovering the displaced item will prompt your memory about the task at…
Rabbi Yechiel Yitzchak Perr (1935 - 2024) was an American-born rabbi known for founding and serving as the rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Derech Ayson (Yeshiva of Far Rockaway) in New York. His educational journey includes attending Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi C…
The Parsha commences with the Kohen's practice on Yom Kippur. Following the death of Aaron's sons, G-d instructed Moshe to relay to Aaron the prohibition of entering the Most Holy Place (קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים, Kodesh Ha-Kodashim) at will, as it could resu…