
June 24, 2022

Take The Mussar

In today's episode we learn a valuable and imperative idea from Rashi. What the spies did wrong? What we need to learn from their mistake SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha! Follow us on...
June 23, 2022

Who Cares What Rick Or Karen Thinks? (Serving Hashem!)

Serve Hashem not people! Who runs your life? How to take action for G-D SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha! Follow us on WhatsApp to watch the Motivation Congregation Broadcast every mor...
June 22, 2022

You're A Gadol Deal With It.

In today's lesson we learn an essential insight about self esteem. Knowledge of one's greatness is priceless. Step One towards your goal Do you recognize who you are? SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Tora...
June 20, 2022

Love The Pain!

Change your perceptive. We learn an entirely new way to view our challenges from the Derech Hashem. Shocking advice from Ramchal Why the pain? Why me? SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha!...
June 20, 2022

Start Right!

A valuable insight from Koheles, and a practical tool to help you succeed. How you start is how you finish Why is the beginning so important? SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha! Follow ...
June 20, 2022


All we have is our choices and our work ethic. You are your decisions. Choose Tzaddik. Why you are the sum total of your life choices Rambam's view of Bechira SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the...
June 20, 2022

Rebbe Akiva And The Rock | Day By Day

New insight into how we reach success, its got to be day-by-day. Singles not home runs. How did Rebbe Akiva do it? How to Transform your life SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha! Follow u...
June 20, 2022

Chitzoniyus Changes Your Penimiyus!

This point changes everything. Change what you can and watch the magic happen! How to literally rewire your brain The tried and tested method to climb the latter to success SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'va...
June 20, 2022

Turn Saturday Night Into Motzei Shabbas

We already have pizza with our friends and family, why not make it a Melava Malka? Its very easy....just change the mindset. The simple way to "shteig" on Motzei Shabbos How to have productive Saturday night's SUBSCRIBE to th...
June 20, 2022

Handcuff Him!

This insight helps one in his climb to spiritual greatness. Use this method daily, and see results! The fastest way to change yourself and the world How to lock yourself into success SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a w...
June 20, 2022

No problem! Thank you!

No problem! It was no big deal! The proper response to a favor may not be what you think. How to respond to favors Fascinating psychological assessment SUBSCRIBE to the The Torah Podcast for a weekly D'var Torah on the Parsha...
June 19, 2022

Change Is A Miracle!

It takes a miracle to change. Baruch Hashem Rav Yerucham Levovitz systematizes the approach to change. Listen daily to learn and merit the miracle of change! How to merit the miracle of change What you can do right now to sta...