Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes: The Stamford Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Meir Hershkowitz, has returned his soul to his Maker. We mourn the loss of a Torah giant who devoted his life to studying and teaching the Torah. His legacy lives on thr…
"If you can learn to do something consistently, you will discover more incredible strengths and opportunities within yourself than you could have imagined. So many people amount to a fraction of their true capability because…
What happened when a group of Jews in the Midbar were impure and could not bring the Karbon pesach? Their next move created a new mitzvah and holiday. Listen to today's episode and energize yourself on this special day. Supp…
In this short Torah talk on the weekly Parsha, we explore the necessity of every Jew to develop and protect his gifts and unique talents. Sponsor: InKredible Kids Podcast-Pls Rate and Subscribe SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.…
As Jews, we are taught that we are all connected and are responsible for supporting and caring for one another. The concept of achdus, or unity, is a fundamental value in Jewish tradition and vital to our community's strengt…
Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes: The Stamford Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Meir Hershkowitz, has returned his soul to his Maker. We mourn the loss of a Torah giant who devoted his life to studying and teaching the Torah. His legacy lives on thr…
Today, we must recognize that there is still much to be gained from recognizing “Torah Celebrities” among us – those living examples of authentic Torah values in their everyday lives. These people are seen as models of chara…
Being a part of the Jewish people enables us to draw from a wealth of spiritual heritage, customs, and beliefs passed down for generations. We constantly connect to our rich history through prayer, study, and observance of m…
The fifth commandment of the Aseres Hadibros says, “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord they God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:12). This commandment is as relevant today as it wa…
Rav Dessler gives us the answer and the approach. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! JOIN HERE ---------------- SUBSCRIBE to The Weekly Parsha for an insightful weekly shiur o…
Good morning! Welcome to another inspiring Torah Talk, where we look deeper into our Jewish heritage. This time, it's Parashas Acharei Mos Kedoshim that's being focused on - and what an important lesson this particular episo…
• Speech that states something negative about a person, even if true, is considered Lashon Hara (Evil Tongue). • Hotzaat Shem Ra ("spreading a bad name") consists of lies and is considered an even graver sin than Lashon Hara…
In total, Rebbe Akiva had 24,000 students who were devoted to him and devoted to the Almighty. However, tragedy struck when a plague killed all 24,000 students. This was a massive blow to Rebbe Akiva and Jewish tradition, as…
The Tohoros covers a wide range of topics, from the laws of ritual purity and impurity to rules governing the niddah (menstrual) period, interpersonal relations between husband and wife, physical contact between men and wome…
An unexpected veil of mourning is cast during a period that should be celebrated. The reason? A tragic tale of Rabbi Akiva's students who perished in droves between Passover and Shavuot. Even today, Jewish people avoid getti…
The teachings of great Rabbi's show us the importance of living our lives with integrity and respect for ourselves, others, and the world around us. Their wisdom has been passed down through generations and can still be seen…
A misunderstanding of our greatest gift is the beginning of the excommunicated evil speaker, the Metzora. Support the Show. Join the WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! JOIN HERE ---------------- SUBSCRI…
Welcome to The Motivation Congregation Season Four! In today's episode: Kosher food has long been part of Jewish life and is essential to a kosher lifestyle. But what does it mean to live a "kosher" life? To ensure that our…
At the beginning of Parshas Shemini, the Torah tells us that Aharon Hakohen was given the keys to the Mishkan and anointed High Priest. However, on his first day on the job, things didn't quite go as expected. In this episod…
We often witness Hashem's hand in the extraordinary and unexpected. We are reminded of the milestones that G-d has performed and continues to perform for us daily. The splitting of the Red Sea is one such momentous event - w…
In today's short Torah talk we discuss the proper post-Pesach mindset. Rav Wolbe teaches us one essential idea to help us turn our inspiration into action. As we count the days of Sefiras Ha'Omer up until the holiday of Shav…
Competition gives us a unique perspective on the world, gives us a sense of accomplishment, and can be incredibly rewarding. The Torah teaches us that completion is essential and should not be taken lightly. We must strive t…
On the seventh day of Pesach, a miraculous event occurred. After centuries of enslavement and oppression, the sea miraculously split, allowing the Jewish people to escape the clutches of their oppressors. This divinely-orche…